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UWAGA !!! Od 1 paździenika zmiana godzin pracy urzędu, PONIEDZIAŁEK, WTOREK, ŚRODA 7:30 - 15:30, CZWARTEK 10:00 - 18:00, PIĄTEK 7:00 - 15:00 W związku ze zmianą godzin otwarcia Urzędu zmianie ulegają godziny funkcjonowania KASY URZĘDU: WTOREK 8.00-12.00, ŚRODA 13.00-15.00, CZWARTEK 10.00-14.00 SPRAWY ZWIĄZANE Z EWIDENCJĄ LUDNOŚCI ORAZ Z DOWODAMI OSOBISTYMI ZAŁATWIANE SĄ W GODZINACH: PONIEDZIAŁEK, WTOREK, ŚRODA – OD 7:30 DO 15:00 CZWARTEK – OD 10:00 DO 17:30 PIĄTEK – OD 7:00 DO 14:30
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Mszana Dolna

Do you know this country - with its picturesque situation, charming landscapes, emerald meadows, the sun rising and setting against the panorama of the Beskid Wyspowy and the Gorce mountain ranges, freshness of climate, monuments, local folclore, and the traditional Polish hospitality, admired every day by the tourists and by the local people?
  n this place, everybody will find something for himself - rustling leaves, murmuring mountain streams, singing birds, gentle hills, overgrown in their upper parts with rich forests, meadows, and fields, 'golden with wheat, silver with rye, decorated with green ribbons of boundary strips', as a poet describes it. It's here, in the Mszana Dolna commune, relatively easily accessible mountains surrounding the villages (Mszana Górna, Lubomierz, Łętowe, Łostówka, Kasina Wielka, Kasinka Mała, Glisne, Raba Niżna, and Olszówka) along with a varied earth's sculpture and rich vegetation create great conditions for development of tourism, recreation and various forms of active rest.
  he Mszana Dolna commune - the largest commune in the Limanowski district, shaped in form of a long horseshoe, is situated mostly in the mountain range of the Western Karpaty, partly in the western Beskid Wyspowy and in the northern Gorce.
On the grounds of the commune, there are most of the greatest peaks of the Beskid Wyspowy - Luboń Wielki, Szczebel, Lubogoszcz, Śnieżnica, Ćwilin, Jasień and Kudłoń famous for a variety of rock formations unusual for the Beskidy - crags, towers, and cudgellike rocks of hard sandstone.

  he Commune is also crossed by the Pope's Path and the Path of Wooden Architecture.

The monuments:

- a wooden St Maria Magdalena church in Kasina Wielka, from 1678 (a '0' class monument),
  a wooden-brick manor from the second half of the 19th century in Kasinka Mała, with farm buildings: a barn and a stone stable,
- a military cemetary of the Austrian soldiers from the World War I, near the highest situated railway station in Poland (570m above the sea level), from th 19th century,
- a brick manor of the Chomentowski family from 1832, in Raba Niżna,
  a St Barbara chapel from the first half of the 19th century in Łostówka,
- a wooden chapel from the 18th century, belonging to the Lubomirscy Foundation, in Lubomierz,
- shepherd cottages in the fields in Lubomierz.

Ski lifts:
  double lift (anchor type), lenght: 700m, difference of altitudes: 200m
- low line lift for children and beginners, main route: 750m, capacity: 840 people/h
beginners' route: 120m, capacity: 600 people/h
Kasina Wielka
- lenght: 1075m
- lenght of the route: 1400m, difference of altitudes: 290m
- capacity: 700 people/h
- beginners' lift: 300m lenght, capacity: 400 people/h

1.Maria Farganus, Łostówka 243 tel. 18/ 33 49 277
2.Kiełtyka Zofia, Łostówka 24, tel. 18/3349265, kiela0@buziaczek.pl
3.Nawara Józefa, Olszówka 302, tel. 18/3316170
4.Nawara Janina, Olszówka 87, tel. 18/3316297
5.Jan Kaletka, Kasina Wielka 451, tel. 18/3314069
6.Cetera Krzysztof, Łętowe 244, tel. 18/3315422, kcetera@gazeta.pl
7.Kraus Katarzyna, Olszówka 211, tel. 18/3316028
8.Czerwińska Maria, Kasinka Mała 567, tel. 12/ 266 79 59
9.Irena Syjud, Lubomierz 318, tel. 18/ 3315499
10.Janina Mysza, Lubomierz 10, tel. 18/ 3315592
11.Maria Płachytka, Mszana Górna 77, tel. 18/33 15 341, www.umarysi.noclegiw.pl
12.Jan Kaleta, Kasina Wielka 126 tel. 18/ 33 14 080, jkaleta@poczta.onet.pl
  3.Teresa, Zenon Kania, Raba Niżna 226, tel. 18/3338031, 0600242998,
  4.Krystyna i Józef Kowalczyk, Raba Niżna 214, tel. 18/3316392
15. Michał Lulek, Kasina Wielka 552, tel. 3314228
16. Władysław Pawlaczyk, Kasina Wielka 450, tel. 18/3314018
17. Anna Chorągwicka, Łostówka 14, 18/3311809

  .Baza Szkoleniowo - Wypoczynkowa "Lubogoszcz"
w Kasince Małej, tel. 18/3313001
2. Młodzieżowy Ośrodek Rekolekcyjny i Schronisko na Śnieżnicy w Kasinie Wielkiej (Youth Hostel and Centre of Retreat), tel.18/3314320
  rażyna i Józef Piwowarscy, Kasinka Mała 228,
tel. 18/3313138, 0602879186

Situation: south-eastern part of Poland; in the mountain range of the Western Karpaty, partly in the western side of the Beskid Wyspowy and the northern part of the Gorce mountains.
Surface: 169,84 sq km
Tourism and agrotourism - mountainous region: tourist routes, biking paths, ski lifts, tennis courts, swimming pools, horseriding, fishing, hunting.
- the national road nr 98 from Wadowice to Przemyśl,
- the province road from Lubień to Zabrzeż, directly connecting the Mszana Dolna commune with the international road E77.
- trains: from Chabówka to Nowy Sącz

The Małopolska Province
The Board of the Commune Mszana Dolna